Behind the scenes of Book Publisher, Whimsical Publications!

1. Tell us about Whimsical Publications. What kind of books do you publish? Are you open to submissions? What are you looking for?


WP is a company that, even though it has been in business since 2006, is still in its infancy. I started the company because I wanted to see my books in print. I did the mailing of a few query letters only to have the rejection letters start. I even used one of those subsidy publishers just so I could get into print. I found out about that side of the business the hard way: rejection from bookstores and no support at all from the “publisher”. Because of my research, I knew how hard it was to get my work accepted by the major publishers. The end result of all this…Whimsical Publications was born. Incidentally, the logo for WP was created when I saw my cat sitting on a window ledge sunning herself. She was a great cat, Cookie was. I really miss her.


The books published by WP range in genre. I don’t limit what I like to read so I didn’t want to limit what I publish. A list is posted on the website,, but it also includes a phrase where other genres can be added at the discretion of the publisher. If I don’t like the book and don’t see the potential for the book, I don’t want to publish the book. It’s that simple. My suggestion to authors: follow the guidelines on a publisher’s website and submit. What have you got to lose?



2. What made you want to start a publishing company? What obstacles have you faced in order to get the company started?


Part of this is answered above in question one. The hardest thing about starting a company is the heavy learning curve. It takes time, research, and a lot of growing pains to do it right. Anyone can publish a book. But not everyone wants to take on the challenge of establishing a business, licensing with the state and federal governments so the doors can be opened, paying taxes to said governments, seeking submissions, paying out royalties and keeping strict financial records. The paperwork involved is tedious, but well worth it to me.


The biggest obstacle is getting authors to believe in a new company. Many companies are cropping up every day. Most are online publishers. I love the look, smell and feel of an actual book. When I open a box from the printer, the aroma is heavenly.


But I also know there is an electronic age out there, which is why WP offers both print and electronic versions. And that is another learning curve. lol



3. Though a relatively new company, Whimsical seems to be growing. Are you satisfied with where the company is now and how fast it’s growing? What do you want to see happen in the future for Whimsical?


I like for the company to grow slow. It allows the editor to get the book where it needs to be and the cover artist to design something wonderful, which they do. I also don’t want to take on so many new projects that the current authors are ignored and feel tossed off to the wayside. I want the author to feel like they are a part of this company and not just a means to an end. I make the final decisions when it comes to business at WP, but I allow the author to be involved with some of the process. Without the author, Whimsical Publications would not be in business.


Would I like to publish the next NY Times best seller? Of course. Would I like to have WP as one of the major players? That would be nice too. But I also want to keep the company at a steady growth. As a small publisher, slow, steady growth is the key to success. If I push to have more books out there than can be handled, the company will fail. I plan on WP continuing for a long time. If my selection is small but growing steadily it keeps the reader coming back to see what is new.



4. What have you learned from starting this company? What’s surprised you the most about the business?


I’ve learned that writing the book is the easy part. The hard part is the behind-the-scene work. It takes time to locate the right people for the company. It takes time to learn where a good printer is, where distribution channels are. It takes time to get the company established and recognized. It takes time to keeping it going, especially since I work a full time job in addition to running this company. It also takes a lot of organizational skills, which I am still learning. Life can sometimes get in the way, but that can not interfere with the business. I learned this the hard way recently with the death of my sister.


What surprises me the most about this business is the people. I love to see what authors dream up and write about. It’s thrilling to see the story unfold. Some do it really well, to the point where I can close my eyes and “see” what is happening. Others “tell” the story so that I feel like I’m in a lecture hall listening to the instructor droll on and on and on.



5. What accomplishments are you the proudest of? Do you have any regrets, anything you would change if you could?


I’m most proud of the team of people involved with WP. The cover artists, the editors, and especially the authors. I feel like the conductor to an outstanding group of musicians, playing the art of words and pictures to create a masterpiece.


The only regret I have is with my timeliness in responding to authors. Seems my dad did a good job of passing on the tardy gene. As I said earlier, I work a full time job, in addition to running Whimsical Publications. That makes it hard to answer right away like I want to, and should. I’ve had others help with reviewing submissions but they have moved on with their lives. Then again, I have a hard time letting go of the reins. But I’m learning.



6. Readers can’t see the makings of a book from start to finish. What happens behind the scenes to get a book in the market? What are some of the things you see that would surprise readers to know?


What most authors and readers don’t know is the amount of time and effort it takes to get a manuscript ready for the market. The major publishers take anywhere from 12-18 months to get a book ready for release. And that is after the contract is signed. Here at Whimsical Publications we take far less. Mostly it takes 4 to 6 months from start to finish. I think it is because I don’t take on a lot of projects at once. It allows each manuscript to be worked on until it is as close to ready as humanly possible.


First, the manuscript goes to the editor where they work with the author to fine tune it. In addition, it may take several tries to get a cover art set. Once that is all finished, the book comes back and has to be typeset to the right specs. Then it goes to the printer, where it can take over a week to get it accepted. Then it goes into distribution. That can take a few more weeks, depending on the store, for the book information to show up. The process becomes easier after a dozen or so books, but it still takes time.


The surprise to some people is that they think the process is less intense if it is an ebook. True, the printer part is far easier, but the steps required to get the manuscript ready is the same for either form: print or ebook. Plus, I have to make sure to meet the formatting requirements of the online distributor.



7. As publisher, what are your responsibilities to your readers?


To put the best works I can in front of them for their enjoyment. If they are not happy, then I’m not happy.



8. Do you have a message you would like to share with readers?


If you are an author: submit your work. If you are a reader: realize that small publishers are just as good as the big guys. If fact, small publishers can find the gem among the rocks a lot faster because they aren’t swamped with so many submissions. They can take the extra time to review and work with an author. Their marketing budget may not be as big, which is why it is hard to get the word out about the great books available. Word of mouth from readers can counterbalance that. If you like a particular author or book, tell others and let them know where to get the book.



9. What advice can you give to writers to increase their chances of getting published with Whimsical?


Make sure when you are able to “see” the story you are writing. If I can close my eyes and see, feel, smell, or whatever you are trying to covey, I will definitely be interested. But don’t be too wordy. Convey the message but don’t overflower it with too much description. An example:


–As I sit at the kitchen table working on my paper, the gentle breeze brings with it the aroma of a freshly baked apple pie, reminding me of my childhood when mom used to wisk the hot pastry out of the oven and set it on the window ledge to cool.–


In this I do not describe the type of table other than it is in the kitchen. I let the reader see what kind of table it is in their mind, not by telling them it is wooden or plastic or whatever. I also don’t describe the oven as to whether it is steel or black or white. I don’t over describe the pie, is it a closed top or an open mesh top. Nor the room I am sitting in. I let the reader see what it is they want so they can tap their own memories. That is what a writer needs to do, and it will bring them lots of reader fan base.


That is what it takes to get published by WP. Or any publisher for that matter. If the author can touch the heart of the reader, then I want you as a part of Whimsical Publications. It hard to tell an author no if they don’t do this, but, as I stated before, this is a business. It is one of the unfortunate aspects of the job that has to be done.



10. Is there anything you would like to add?


One of the organizations Whimsical Publications supports is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). To bring in the new year, during the month of January, WP will be holding a basket raffle. There will be four in all, each representing a theme: Romance, Sci-fi, Thriller and General. Each will have books from WP in them along with other items donated by the authors and this company. Pictures will be posted on the website by January for people to see.


A raffle ticket will be given for each $5 donation to JDRF through the WP website. Five tickets will be given for a $20 donation. When a donation is made, there is a part where you can leave your name. That will be the name placed on the ticket(s). All the proceeds will go to the JDRF people to find a cure for Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes. On February 2, the winners will be drawn and notified. No, Bill Murray won’t be pulling a ground hog out of a box and repeating himself over and over. But it sure would be great for him to pull the winning tickets.


More details will be posted on the website about helping to find a cure for this devastating disease. Please let the readers, authors, friends and anyone you can think of know about this event. The more money raised, the more we can help a child with Type 1 diabetes find out what it feels like to be free from needles and enjoy life to the fullest.


I want to thank you, Destiny, for having me here and for allowing me to talk about the publishing world. I give you a big hug and wish you and yours a very merry holiday and exciting New Year.


Thanks so much for dropping by, Janet! Happy Holidays to you, too!

Published in: on December 16, 2010 at 7:30 am  Comments (9)  
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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this information about Whimsical Publications! It’s great that new publishers are starting up. It looks like Whimsical is doing well! Blessings to you and your publisher…

    • Thanks so much, Carol! I appreciate you taking the time to drop by and read the interview. 🙂

  2. Enjoyed the interview ladies! As an author at WP I have to say I’m very pleased with Janet as a publisher and the awesome team she has working with her. Some people go into publishing with high expectations of getting rich and famous right off the bat and expect publishers to be miracle workers on their behalf. But in the real world it takes years of hard work to see any real money from your writing.

    • Anne, thanks for the comment! WP has been good to me, too. Right away, I was really impressed with how true to my stories they are. They never change them during editing, only make them better. THE CURSE OF A MIND was a story that I’d written a few years back and other publishers declined it because they said it didn’t fit a specific genre. Janet believed in the story enough to put it out there even if it didn’t fit an exact mold and I’m thankful for that!

  3. Thanks everyone for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. Destiny, I loved The Curse of a Mind because it was so unique and well written. I don’t like to be fixed into a certain mold so I like to look outside the box.

    I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year!

  4. I enjoyed the interview, Destiny and Janet! I am happy that A Christmas Gift is with Whimsical Publications. I’m delighted to have it in both print and ebook format. I appreciate Janet putting a short book into print – not all small publishers would take this risk.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, ladies!

  5. What atrracted me to WP (other than WP was open to submissions (grin) was the cat (I’m a cat person). Just rec’d art work for my upcoming release with WP–which was fantastic (and that’s not always the case). Enjoyed hearing about the other side of the pub biz.

  6. I enjoyed reading about WP. I have one epublished book and I have to agree with you on how hard to is to get a book ready, whether it is epublished or print.


    • Thanks for commenting, Janice. Congrats on your book! Yes, it’s true. I absolutely need an editor and a cover artist and someone to format the book properly, etc. I just don’t know how to do all that by myself. 🙂

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